MS-102 Microsoft 365 Administrator (4 pv)
Corellia Helsinki järjestää nyt koulutuksen:

MS-102 Microsoft 365 Administrator (4 pv)

1 890 euroa /hlö + alv 24 %


20.-23.11.2023, Corellia, Helsinki Kalevankatu 9 A, Helsinki 13 syyskuun, 2023 Sampo Korppoo

Tieto- ja viestintäteknologia

Kurssi on suunnattu Microsoft 365 ylläpitäjille, jotka ottavat Microsoft 365 palvelun käyttöön ja hallinnoivat sitä.

Ei esitietovaatimuksia. Kurssi alkaa Microsoft 365 -perusteista.

Antti Roine
, Partner, DI, Microsoft Certified Trainer
Antti on toiminut kouluttajana sekä asiantuntijana Microsoft-teknologioiden parissa 20 vuotta ja seuraa aktiivisesti Microsoftin pilvituotteiden kehitystä. Antti on aikaisemmin työskennellyt asiantuntija mm. Sulavalla ja Soveltolla. Antti on vuonna 2010 suorittanut Lappeenrannan Teknillisessä yliopistossa tietotekniikan diplomi-insinöörin tutkinnon ja diplomityön aiheena oli Microsoftin SharePointin ja Project Serverin sopivuus tuotekehitystyöhön.


Kurssin sisältö:

Deploy and manage a Microsoft 365 tenant
– Implement and manage a Microsoft 365 tenant
– Create a tenant
– Implement and manage domains
– Configure organizational settings, including security, privacy, and profile
– Identify and respond to service health issues
– Configure notifications in service health
– Monitor adoption and usage
– Manage users and groups
– Create and manage users
– Create and manage guest users
– Create and manage contacts
– Create and manage groups, including Microsoft 365 groups
– Manage and monitor Microsoft 365 license allocations
– Perform bulk user management, including PowerShell

Manage roles in Microsoft 365
– Manage roles in Microsoft 365 and Azure AD
– Manage role groups for Microsoft Defender, Microsoft Purview, and Microsoft 365 workloads
– Manage delegation by using administrative units
– Implement privileged identity management for Azure AD roles
– Implement and manage identity and access in Azure AD
– Implement and manage identity synchronization with Azure AD
– Prepare for identity synchronization by using IdFix
– Implement and manage directory synchronization by using Azure AD Connect cloud sync
– Implement and manage directory synchronization by using Azure AD Connect
– Monitor synchronization by using Azure AD Connect Health
– Troubleshoot synchronization, including Azure AD Connect and Azure AD Connect cloud sync

Implement and manage authentication
– Implement and manage authentication methods, including Windows Hello for Business, passwordless, tokens, and the Microsoft Authenticator app
– Implement and manage self-service password reset (SSPR)
– Implement and manage Azure AD Password Protection
– Implement and manage multi-factor authentication (MFA)
– Investigate and resolve authentication issues
– Implement and manage secure access
– Plan for identity protection
– Implement and manage Azure AD Identity Protection
– Plan Conditional Access policies
– Implement and manage Conditional Access policies

Manage security and threats by using Microsoft 365 Defender
– Manage security reports and alerts by using the Microsoft 365 Defender portal
– Review and take actions to improve the Microsoft Secure Score in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal
– Review and respond to security incidents and alerts in Microsoft 365 Defende
– Review and respond to issues identified in security and compliance reports in Microsoft 365 Defende
– Review and respond to threats identified in threat analyticS
– Implement and manage email and collaboration protection by using Microsoft Defender for Office 365
– Implement policies and rules in Defender for Office 365
– Review and respond to threats identified in Defender for Office 365, including threats and investigations
– Create and run campaigns, such as attack simulation
– Unblock users
– Implement and manage endpoint protection by using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
– Onboard devices to Defender for Endpoint
– Configure Defender for Endpoint settings
– Review and respond to endpoint vulnerabilities
– Review and respond to risks identified in the Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management dashboard

Manage compliance by using Microsoft Purview
– Implement Microsoft Purview information protection and data lifecycle management
– Implement and manage sensitive info types by using keywords, keyword lists, or regular expressions
– Implement retention labels, retention label policies, and retention policies
– Implement sensitivity labels and sensitivity label policies
– Implement Microsoft Purview data loss prevention (DLP)
– Implement DLP for workloads
– Implement Endpoint DLP
– Review and respond to DLP alerts, events, and reports

Corellia Helsinki Oy Vuorikatu 20 A 00100 Helsinki
Etäosallistuminen Microsoftin Teams -järjestelmällä


1 890 euroa
/hlö + alv 24 %.

Ilmoittautumisen peruutusehdot:
Myöhemmin kuin 14 päivää ennen koulutuksen alkua tulleista peruutuksista veloitamme 50 % kokonaishinnasta. Mikäli osallistumista ei peruuteta lainkaan, veloitetaan koko koulutustilaisuuden hinta. Esteen sattuessa koulutuspaikan voi luovuttaa samassa organisaatiossa työskentelevälle henkilölle.

Kouluttajan muut kurssit

Samankaltaisia kursseja