SC-200 Microsoft Security Operations Analyst (3 pv)
Corellia Helsinki järjestää nyt koulutuksen:

SC-200 Microsoft Security Operations Analyst (3 pv)

1 690 euroa /hlö + alv 24 %


11.-13.12.2023, Corellia, Helsinki Kalevankatu 9 A, Helsinki 2 lokakuun, 2023 Sampo Korppoo

Tieto- ja viestintäteknologia

Kurssilla opit tutkimaan, reagoimaan ja jäljittämään tietoturvauhkia Azure Sentinelin, Azure Defenderin ja Microsoft 365 Defenderin avulla. Kurssi opastaa myös Kusto Query Language (KQL) kyselykielen käyttöön lokien ja tietojen analysoinnissa.

Koulutus valmistaa Microsoftin viralliseen sertifiointitestiin Exam SC-200: Microsoft Security Operations Analyst. Suoritettava sertifointi on Microsoft Certified: Security Operations Analyst Associate.

Kurssin on suunnattu tietoturva-asiantuntijoille ja arkkitehdeille, jotka työssään valvovat Azure-ympäristöjä ja vastaavat tietoturvasta.

Kurssilla edellytetään perustason ymmärrystä Azure-palveluista, tietoturvasta sekä työasemien hallintaratkaisuista.

Jussi Roine
, Partner, Microsoft Certified Trainer, Azure Solutions Architect Expert
Jussi on jo 20 vuoden ajan kouluttanut ja konsultoinut asiakkaita haastavissa pilvi- ja hybriditoteutuksissa Azuren ja Microsoft 365:n kanssa. Aiemmin mm. Microsoftilla ja Sulavalla työskennelleellä, Jussilla on laaja ja syvällinen kokemus erityisesti Azure-arkkitehtuureista ja ratkaisuista.


Kurssin sisältö:

Module 1: Mitigate threats using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
Implement the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint platform to detect, investigate, and respond to advanced threats. Learn how Microsoft Defender for Endpoint can help your organization stay secure. Learn how to deploy the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint environment, including onboarding devices and configuring security. Learn how to investigate incidents and alerts using Microsoft Defender for Endpoints. Perform advanced hunting and consult with threat experts. You will also learn how to configure automation in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint by managing environmental settings. Lastly, you will learn about your environment’s weaknesses by using Threat and Vulnerability Management in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.

Module 2: Mitigate threats using Microsoft 365 Defender
Analyze threat data across domains and rapidly remediate threats with built-in orchestration and automation in Microsoft 365 Defender. Learn about cybersecurity threats and how the new threat protection tools from Microsoft protect your organization’s users, devices, and data. Use the advanced detection and remediation of identity-based threats to protect your Azure Active Directory identities and applications from compromise.

Module 3: Mitigate threats using Azure Defender
Use Azure Defender integrated with Azure Security Center, for Azure, hybrid cloud, and on-premises workload protection and security. Learn the purpose of Azure Defender, Azure Defender’s relationship to Azure Security Center, and how to enable Azure Defender. You will also learn about the protections and detections provided by Azure Defender for each cloud workload. Learn how you can add Azure Defender capabilities to your hybrid environment.

Module 4: Create queries for Azure Sentinel using Kusto Query Language (KQL)
Write Kusto Query Language (KQL) statements to query log data to perform detections, analysis, and reporting in Azure Sentinel. This module will focus on the most used operators. The example KQL statements will showcase security related table queries. KQL is the query language used to perform analysis on data to create analytics, workbooks, and perform hunting in Azure Sentinel. Learn how basic KQL statement structure provides the foundation to build more complex statements. Learn how to summarize and visualize data with a KQL statement provides the foundation to build detections in Azure Sentinel. Learn how to use the Kusto Query Language (KQL) to manipulate string data ingested from log sources.

Module 5: Configure your Azure Sentinel environment
Get started with Azure Sentinel by properly configuring the Azure Sentinel workspace. Traditional security information and event management (SIEM) systems typically take a long time to set up and configure. They’re also not necessarily designed with cloud workloads in mind. Azure Sentinel enables you to start getting valuable security insights from your cloud and on-premises data quickly. This module helps you get started. Learn about the architecture of Azure Sentinel workspaces to ensure you configure your system to meet your organization’s security operations requirements. As a Security Operations Analyst, you must understand the tables, fields, and data ingested in your workspace. Learn how to query the most used data tables in Azure Sentinel.

Module 6: Connect logs to Azure Sentinel
Connect data at cloud scale across all users, devices, applications, and infrastructure, both on-premises and in multiple clouds to Azure Sentinel. The primary approach to connect log data is using the Azure Sentinel provided data connectors. This module provides an overview of the available data connectors. You will get to learn about the configuration options and data provided by Azure Sentinel connectors for Microsoft 365 Defender.

Module 7: Create detections and perform investigations using Azure Sentinel
Detect previously uncovered threats and rapidly remediate threats with built-in orchestration and automation in Azure Sentinel. You will learn how to create Azure Sentinel playbooks to respond to security threats. You’ll investigate Azure Sentinel incident management, learn about Azure Sentinel events and entities, and discover ways to resolve incidents. You will also learn how to query, visualize, and monitor data in Azure Sentinel.

Module 8: Perform threat hunting in Azure Sentinel
In this module, you’ll learn to proactively identify threat behaviors by using Azure Sentinel queries. You’ll also learn to use bookmarks and livestream to hunt threats. You will also learn how to use notebooks in Azure Sentinel for advanced hunting.

Corellia Helsinki Oy Vuorikatu 20 A 00100 Helsinki
Etäosallistuminen Microsoftin Teams -järjestelmällä

11.-13.12.2023, klo 9-16

1 690 euroa
/hlö + alv 24 %.

Ilmoittautumisen peruutusehdot:
Peruutus on ilmoitettava viimeistään 14 vuorokautta ennen koulutustilaisuuden alkua. Myöhemmin tehtävistä peruutuksista veloitetaan 50 % koulutustilaisuuden hinnasta. Mikäli osallistumista ei peruuteta lainkaan, veloitetaan koko koulutustilaisuuden hinta. Esteen sattuessa koulutuspaikan voi luovuttaa toiselle samassa organisaatiossa työskentelevälle henkilölle.

Kouluttajan muut kurssit

Samankaltaisia kursseja