MS-500 Microsoft 365 Security Administration (4 pv)
1 890 euroa /hlö + alv 24 %
05.-08.06.2023, Corellia, Helsinki
1 890 euroa /hlö + alv 24 %
05.-08.06.2023, Corellia, Helsinki
Tällä kurssilla opit suojaamaan käyttäjien pääsyn organisaation resursseihin. Kurssilla käydään läpi salasanasuojaus, kaksivaiheinen tarkistus (MFA), miten otetaan käyttöön Azure Identity Protection, kuinka Azure Active Directory Connect käyttöönotetaan sekä miten ehdollinen suojaus (conditional access) suojaa pääsyä Microsoft 365 -palveluihin. Kurssilla tutustutaan Microsft Secure Score -mittaristoon, Exchange Online suojaukseen, Azure Advanced Threat Protection -palveluun, Windowsin suojaukseen (Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection) ja uhkien torjuntaan. Kurssilla käydään läpi miten sähköpostit salataan, miten sisältöä luokitellaan ja miten estetään sensitiivisen datan vuotaminen.
Kurssilla opit mm:
– Käyttäjien ja ryhmien pääsyn valvonnan
– Azure Identity Protection ominaisuudet ja hallinnan
– Azure AD Connect -palvelun suunnittelun ja käyttöönoton
– Synkronoitujen identiteettien hallinnan
– Ehdollisen pääsyn (conditional access) konfiguroinnin
– Microsoft 365 palveluiden tietoturvapalvelut
– Viestien salaamisen
– GDPR-tietopyyntöjen hallinnoinnin
Koulutus valmistaa Microsoftin viralliseen sertifiointitestiin MS-500: Microsoft 365 Security Administration. Suoritettava sertifointi on Microsoft 365 Certified: Security Administrator Associate.
Kurssi sopii Microsoft 365 ylläpitäjille, jotka haluavat oppia suojaamaan oman pilviympäristönsä Microsoftin tietoturvaratkaisuilla.
Kokemus Microsoft 365 palveluiden ylläpidosta ja perustiedot tietoturvasta.
Antti Roine, Partner, DI, Microsoft Certified Trainer
Antti on toiminut kouluttajana sekä asiantuntijana Microsoft-teknologioiden parissa 20 vuotta ja seuraa aktiivisesti Microsoftin pilvituotteiden kehitystä. Antti on aikaisemmin työskennellyt asiantuntija mm. Sulavalla ja Soveltolla. Antti on vuonna 2010 suorittanut Lappeenrannan Teknillisessä yliopistossa tietotekniikan diplomi-insinöörin tutkinnon ja diplomityön aiheena oli Microsoftin SharePointin ja Project Serverin sopivuus tuotekehitystyöhön.
Kurssin sisältö:
Module 1: User and Group Management
This module explains how to manage user accounts and groups in Microsoft 365. It introduces you to the Zero Trust concept as well as authentication. The module sets the foundation for the remainder of the course.
– Identity and Access Management concepts
– The Zero Trust model
– Plan your identity and authentication solution
– User accounts and roles
– Password Management
Module 2: Identity Synchronization and Protection
This module explains concepts related to synchronizing identities for Microsoft 365. Specifically, it focuses on Azure AD Connect and managing directory synchronization to ensure the right people are connecting to your Microsoft 365 system.
– Plan directory synchronization
– Configure and manage synchronized identities
– Azure AD Identity Protection
Module 3: Identity and Access Management
This module explains conditional access for Microsoft 365 and how it can be used to control access to resources in your organization. The module also explains Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and solutions for external access. We discuss identity governance as a concept and its components.
– Application Management
– Identity Governance
– Manage device access
– Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
– Solutions for external access
– Privileged Identity Management
Module 4: Security in Microsoft 365
This module explains the various cyber-attack threats that exist. It then introduces you to the Microsoft solutions used to mitigate those threats. The module finishes with an explanation of Microsoft Secure Score and how it can be used to evaluate and report your organizations security posture.
– Threat vectors and data breaches
– Security strategy and principles
– Microsoft security solutions
– Secure Score
Module 5: Threat Protection
This module explains the various threat protection technologies and services available for Microsoft 365. The module covers message protection through Exchange Online Protection, Microsoft Defender for Identity and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.
– Exchange Online Protection (EOP)
– Microsoft Defender for Office 365
– Manage Safe Attachments
– Manage Safe Links
– Microsoft Defender for Identity
– Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
Module 6: Threat Management
This module explains Microsoft Threat Management which provides you with the tools to evaluate and address cyber threats and formulate responses. You will learn how to use the Security dashboard and Azure Sentinel for Microsoft 365.
– Security dashboard
– Threat investigation and response
– Azure Sentinel
– Advanced Threat Analytics
Module 7: Microsoft Cloud Application Security
This module focuses on cloud application security in Microsoft 365. The module will explain cloud discovery, app connectors, policies, and alerts. You will learn how these features work to secure you cloud applications.
– Deploy Cloud Application Security
– Use cloud application security information
Module 8: Mobility
This module focuses on securing mobile devices and applications. You will learn about Mobile Device Management and how it works with Microsoft Intune. You will also learn about how Intune and Azure AD can be used to secure mobile applications.
– Mobile Application Management (MAM)
– Mobile Device Management (MDM)
– Deploy mobile device services
– Enroll devices to Mobile Device Management
Module 9: Information Protection and Governance
This module focuses on data loss prevention in Microsoft 365. You will learn about how to create policies, edit rules, and customize user notifications to protect your data.
– Information protection concepts
– Governance and Records Management
– Sensitivity labels
– Archiving in Microsoft 365
– Retention in Microsoft 365
– Retention policies in the Microsoft 365 Compliance Center
– Archiving and retention in Exchange
– In-place records management in SharePoint
Module 10: Rights Management and Encryption
This module explains information rights management in Exchange and SharePoint. The module also describes encryption technologies used to secure messages.
– Information Rights Management (IRM)
– Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (S-MIME)
– Office 365 Message Encryption
Module 11: Data Loss Prevention
This module focuses on data loss prevention in Microsoft 365. You will learn about how to create policies, edit rules, and customize user notifications to protect your data.
– Data loss prevention fundamentals
– Create a DLP policy
– Customize a DLP policy
– Create a DLP policy to protect documents
– Policy tips
Module 12: Compliance Management
This module explains the Compliance center in Microsoft 365. It discusses the components of compliance score.
– Compliance center
Module 13: Insider Risk Management
This module focuses on insider risk related functionality within Microsoft 365. It covers not only Insider Risk Management in the compliance center but also information barriers and privileged access management as well.
– Insider Risk
– Privileged Access
– Information barriers
– Building ethical walls in Exchange Online
Module 14: Discover and Respond
This module focuses on content search and investigations. The module covers how to use eDiscovery to conduct advanced investigations of Microsoft 365 data. It also covers audit logs and discusses GDPR data subject requests.
– Content Search
– Audit Log Investigations
– Advanced eDiscovery
Corellia Helsinki Oy, Vuorikatu 20 A, 00100 Helsinki
Etäosallistuminen Microsoftin Teams -järjestelmällä
5.-8.6.2023, klo 9-16
1 890 euroa /hlö + alv 24 %.
Ilmoittautumisen peruutusehdot:
Myöhemmin kuin 14 päivää ennen koulutuksen alkua tulleista peruutuksista veloitamme 50 % kokonaishinnasta. Mikäli osallistumista ei peruuteta lainkaan, veloitetaan koko koulutustilaisuuden hinta. Esteen sattuessa koulutuspaikan voi luovuttaa samassa organisaatiossa työskentelevälle henkilölle.
MS-500 Microsoft 365 Security Administration (4 pv)
1 890 euroa /hlö + alv 24 %
05.-08.06.2023, Corellia, Helsinki