New leader intensive course (2 days)
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New leader intensive course (2 days)

1390 euroa /hlö + alv

1390 EUR

24.-25.10.2023, Innopoli 3, Espoo Vaisalantie 4, Otaniemi, Espoo 17 lokakuun, 2023 Sampo Korppoo

Johtaminen ja esihenkilotaidot

Palaute aikaisemmista koulutuksista:

  • "A very comprehensive two-day long training, even though it was remote, there was still not a moment when it would have been a boring topic, etc. Hard and interesting shooting and a package that was filed to the end! Thank you."

  • "A good, clear and concise package, from which I got good food for my just-started managerial career. The trainers managed to keep my interest throughout the training. In my opinion, the training was also suitably inclusive. I also listened with interest to the reflections and experiences of other trainees from different working life situations."

  • "One of the best trainings that can fit into 20 years of being in the IT field. Nicely summarized, even though it only took two days and that too remotely. Lots of new tools in the kit. Thank you!"

    New leader intensive course provides a comprehensive overview of the tasks and responsibilities of a manager. You will strengthen your leadership and management skills and get clarity to what is expected from you in your new role.

    You will get to know the basics of Finnish labor law. This training will also provide you with practical tools which you can apply in your everyday leadership work. By helping you to clarify your role as an immediate manager, you will be better equipped to enable your organization’s success after this course.

    Benefits of the New leader intensive course
    – You understand the importance of immediate management from the perspective of implementing your organization’s strategy
    – You understand the concept of leadership and know how to strengthen your skills as a leader
    – You develop your self-management skills
    – You know how to build a top performing team
    – You will learn how to have effective one to one conversations and performance reviews

    Who is the course for?
    The training is targeted for new leaders but everyone who wants to refresh their leadership skills are welcome, regardless of industry.


    Valmentaja Annina Eklund
    Annina Eklund, Business coach.
    In Annina’s opinion, effective education comes from an inspiring and open atmosphere. Annina is interested in how the potential of individuals and teams can be found, and how it can be influenced in practice with different management methods.

    Annina’s interest in psychology and behavioral sciences makes every training very people-oriented as a counterbalance to the background of a master’s degree in engineering, which brings systematization and deep expertise to work. Annina’s strengths include explaining even complicated things in a clear way. He writes books and blog posts and actively follows scientific research in the field.

    Annina is a certified RMP Motivation Coach. He delves into motivational factors with the help of The Reiss Motivation Profile tool, and helps his clients to utilize the profile in the development of managerial skills and teamwork.

    Areas of special expertise
    – Developing skills
    – Induction
    – Teamwork
    – Motivation

    Valmentaja Tommi Lindholm
    Tommi Lindholm, Business coach.
    Tommi is responsible for bringing the latest research information to the trainings. Tommi is interested in utilizing the theory related to organizations and organization as a lens for understanding the operation of organizations and practice-oriented development.

    For eight years now, Tommi has been responsible for the comprehensive implementation of training courses for clients in the role of research director, trainer and researcher. In addition, Tommi implements and develops various reports for clients and participates in writing books. Tommi is also certified in the use of the Workplace Big Five personality profile.

    M.Sc. Tommi Lindholm studied at the University of Vaasa, majoring in finance. During his studies, Tommi came across behavioral finance research and made it his Pro Gradu thesis. This is how he found an interest in the human mind. The need to understand its secrets continues to guide Tommi’s path.

    Areas of special expertise
    – Management team work
    – Management of experts
    – Rewarding


    DAY 1.

    08:30 Breakfast

    09:00 Opening

    09:15 Role and responsibilities of a leader
    – What is a manager needed for?
    – Employer’s representative
    – Leading change
    – Information hub
    – Defender of your own organization

    10:15 Break

    10:30 The right to manage from the point of view of labor law
    – Responsibilities of the supervisor as the employer’s representative
    – Reflecting on my own work – What is expected of me as a supervisor?
    – The right to manage and its restrictions
    – Employee responsibility

    12:00 Lunch

    13:00 The role of the leader as a facilitator of change
    – Change management
    – Engaging the team
    – The role of feedback
    – Case exercise: Challenging leadership situations

    14:15 Coffee break

    14:30 Impactful leadership
    – What is impactful leadership?
    – Strengthening your own leadership style

    15:30 End of the day

    DAY 2.

    08:30 Breakfast

    09:00 Can you lead yourself?
    – Self-knowledge as a prerequisite for success in leadership
    – Your own resources and energy
    – Tools for self-management
    – A solution-oriented model for your own development

    10:30 Break

    10:45 Improving your working methods
    – The role of focus of attention at work
    – How to change your habits
    – The importance of feeling in control

    12:00 Lunch

    13:00 Building a top team in practice
    – How do I think about my team members?
    – Bringing different perspectives together
    – Transparency of power distribution
    – Improving interaction
    – Coaching as a leadership style Interaction and communication

    14:30 Coffee break

    14:45 Performance reviews in Finland
    – Why are performance reviews beneficial?
    – What does research tell us about performance reviews?
    – Performance review in practice
    – Interaction and communication

    16:00 End of the course

    Innopoli 3, Otaniemi, Vaisalantie 4, 02130 Espoo

    24.10.2023, 09.00-15.30
    25.10.2023, 09.00-16.00

    1 390 euros
    /person + VAT 24 %.
    – includes materials, lunch and coffee during the day

    The terms of canceling registration:
    Cancellation must be notified no later than 14 days before the start of the training session. Cancellations made later will be charged 50% of the price of the training event. If participation is not canceled at all, the entire price of the training session will be charged. In the event of an obstacle, the training position can be handed over to another person working in the same organization.

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